#8 WIPP Feedback:  See What We Can Do With No Budget, Imagine What We Can Make With a Budget

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We mostly received positive feedback for our work in progress presentation (WIPP). At the time of the review, we had just come out of production and we screened a rough cut of the first episode. Comments received was that the shots looked beautiful. Our peers especially liked the montage at the end of the episode.

Since we were making good time with the project and had already strung together 7 episodes, it gave us the advantage of reflecting over our own learning progress and errors made throughout production. I mentioned that even though we had rehearsals with the actors and gone through blocking of scenes etc., we still experienced some issues like action continuity and mise en scéne arrangements. Things you don’t necessarily spot on the day but notice later in post. It is a learning progress and for future work, I will work better to perfect the scene blocking. Our tutor thought it was great that we reflected on and talked about learning from our own mistakes.

Our tutor also asked if this project was something we would continue to develop. I would very much like so, which is also why, when I wrote the script I ended it with a major cliffhanger. She said this was something we could pitch to Screen Australia because there is nothing like it in Australia. I need to figure out a way to pitch it and screen it as a prototype, to show them what we managed to do with no budget. It’s a tricky format to present in a short amount of time. 

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