#10 Positive Completion and Future Outcome

Screenshot 2018-10-15 15.45.48


Positive was scheduled to start releasing on Wednesday, October 3rd. In the weeks leading up to the release, we had group meetings planning and scheduling posts. We also set a deadline for the completion of the videos to be finished by October 1st. This to give us enough time to schedule and organise all the posts on the website. I am very pleased it all went according to the plan.

By October 2nd, all posts and videos were scheduled and ready for the release. The Instagram posts had to be posted manually to follow our ´release in real time´ approach and this task was delegated amongst our group members, Lise and Harish.

I believe that this series could serve as a prototype for something that could potentially be bigger. Writing and directing is about the power of creation. Bringing out your imagination, the characters, the thoughts, and emotions.

The future outcome of this project is still not certain but personally, I would love to continue this work and further develop the story. We left off with a big cliffhanger with the two main characters sitting outside the doctor’s office. Who knows what will happen next?

#9 Tarantino ´Verse


(CC BY-ND 2.0)

Director Quentin Tarantino is a genius and a master of his craft. He is known for his non-linear storylines, pop-culture references and the aestheticization of violence in his movies. But his way to the top didn’t come without hard work, which is one of the things I admire him for. It took him eight years to break through. I have huge respect for him as a screenwriter and as a director and for his complex way of storytelling. A couple of years back Tarantino confirmed what fans long expected; that his films belong to connected universes.

Tarantino explained; “So From Dusk Till Dawn, Kill Bill, they all take place in this special movie universe. So when all the characters of Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction, when they go to the movies, Kill Bill is what they go to see. From Dusk Till Dawn is what they see.“

It has always been a great pleasure analysing his films and to try to connect the dots, so when the creator himself confirmed that the characters from his films actually are part of these two universes he has created; “The Realer Than Real World Universe” and “The Movie Movie Universe” I was ecstatic.

An example is how the character´s in Mia Wallace canceled TV-show Fox Force Five, mentioned in Pulp Fiction, correspond to the members of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad in Kill Bill.

mia wallace

A lot of hard work and forward thinking goes into pulling off something like that and is probably why everytime a new Tarantino film is announced people have really high expectations. He has managed to brand himself with that particular style.

Here is an interesting theory of the Quentin Tarantino Cinematic Universe:



AllTimeMovies (2018). Tarantino Universe Theory. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCMDA1VMUgg [Accessed 1 Oct. 2018].

IMDb. (2018). Quentin Tarantino. [online] Available at: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000233/ [Accessed 1 Oct. 2018].

Twitter.com. (2016). Twitter. [online] Available at: https://twitter.com/theprojecttv/status/689012823519711232 [Accessed 1 Oct. 2018].